I'm currently thinking of a hybrid between d20 and BRP.
Stats: generated same as BRP, but each stat generates a skill bonus equivalent to stat / 5 (+0 to +4)
Hit points = same as BRP
Armor and weapons = same as BRP
Skills: rated +1 to +20, essentially the BRP percentile divided by 5.
Resolution: stat bonus + skill, target = easy (10), difficult (20), hard (30), impossible (40).
Combat: stat bonus + skill vs. 10 + target stat bonus + skill
Damage = same as BRP
For stats, I have created a working list:
Physique: strength, muscles, and power.
Agility: adroitness, dexterity, and reflexes.
Intellect: critical thinking skills, deductive ability, and memory.
Wits: intuition, perceptiveness, and common sense.
Charisma: charm, personality, and allure.
Presence: bearing, countenance, and aspect.
Willpower: resolve, perseverance, and discipline.
Endurance: stamina, constitution, and resilience.
I'll be creating a custom list of skills and not relying on the BRP list. My list will be shorter and will reflect the needs of the Cydorian setting. My current list looks like:
Archery |
Boating |
Climbing |
Debate |
Deduction |
Discipline |
Driving |
Gambling |
Healing |
Insight |
Intimidation |
Jumping |
Knowledge |
Mechanics |
Melee Fighting |
Notice |
Persuasion |
Piloting |
Resilience |
Riding |
Running |
Shooting |
Stealth |
Streetwise |
Subterfuge |
Survival |
Swimming |
Taunt |
Technology |
Throwing |
Tracking |
Unarmed Fighting |
Or I might reduce it down even further:
1. Academic Intellect
2. Athletics Physique and Agility
3. Awareness Wits
4. General Knowledge Intellect or Wits
5. Guild Secrets Intellect
6. Healing Intellect and Agility
7. Influence Charisma
8. Insight Wits
9. Melee Fighting Agility
10. Ranged Weapons Agility
11. Resistance Willpower or Endurance
12. Riding Agility
13. Subterfuge Agility or Wits
14. Unarmed Fighting Agility
15. Vehicles Agility
16. Wilderness Intellect
Comments and suggestions are always welcome.